
We offer the rendering service that involves the use of Weber and key features of this rendering material are:

  • Excellent weather resistance
  • suitability for most types of brick and block surfaces
  • the through colour and one-coat characteristics of this render allow it to be applied quickly and efficiently, reducing time and money required to complete projects
  • has excellent weather resistance
  • it is a durable render
  • it allows the structure to breathe

Practical aspects of weber

Initially, when planning to apply the weber render to the chosen brick or block surface, it is advised the render should be applied above the DPC (Damp Proof Course – a roll of polythene set into the brick/block courses about six inches above the ground level to prevent damp in the ground from being sucked up into the walls) and 150 mm above ground level to avoid any dampness or discolouration occuring on the weber render.

The weber render (specifically weber.pral M type) should be applied to the substrate in one or two coats to a minimum thickness of 18 mm, or to a maximum thickness of 28 mm.  2 – 3 mm will be removed by the scraping process to give a finished thickness between a minimum of 15 mm to a maximum of 25 mm. It should then be ruled level and allowed to harden for a period of between 5 and 16 hours.

When weber is set but not hardened as indicated by its green appearance, it should be scraped in a  a circular motion using a scraping tool carefully and evenly to remove any excess cement, fine particles and weakly clung cement still attached to the rendered layer.

Finally, the rendered surface is brushed lightly.

Getting an Estimate

We know that choosing the right company to do your rendering work for you can be quite a hassle. We therefore offer free estimates for all your commercial and private work. So give us a shot, we are sure that you will be pleased with the quote we give you.